FitAid. KillCliff. Our refrigerators are stocked with these recovery drinks, but what are they? And who are they for?
First, the ingredients.
FitAid contains beneficial ingredients to include glutamine, turmeric, BCAAs, and Omega-3s, just to name a few. Maybe you’ve seen these ingredients in your local GNC or Whole Foods store.
Each of these boasts performance and recovery properties – from turmeric that fights inflammation to BCAAs (branch chain amino acids) that are essential in the building of protein within the body.
While you can get many of these naturally in a well-balanced diet, when working out at higher intensity levels, it’s likely that you’re not getting enough. These drinks can help supplement for you.
Second, the benefits.
Consider what you drink during or after a workout. If you find yourself running to a bottle of Gatorade, next time grab a recovery drink instead.
You will still experience the enjoyable flavor without all the added sugar that is only hindering your nutrition, performance and recovery in the gym.
Many of us are working out because we want to feel better or lose excess weight. A 20-oz Gatorade has as many as 34 grams of sugar!
Compare that to just 9 grams in a 12-oz can of FitAid or 0 grams in a KillCliff, and the choice is obvious. Don’t undermine your hard work in the gym by your beverage choice immediately following.
For me, grabbing a refreshing recovery drink has become somewhat of a reward of a grueling week.
Life is short and there’s much to celebrate along the way, especially in the gym. While I’m all for having a drink here and there and enjoying my occasional indulgence, drinking a recovery drink after a long week allows me to enjoy a “treat” without feeling any regret.